Well this has definitely been a relaxing weekend at our house - it has rained for almost two straight days now thanks to tropical storm Lee. I mean it has been nice to get some rain cause we could use some and I am sure the farmers are loving this rain, but a girl can only clean and organize for so long! But all in all, I have to say this Labor Day weekend was a pretty good one - I mean, it is the start to football season and of course my NOLES kick it off right with a shut out over ULM (34-0). Go Noles!!

However, game day was just Saturday, so the rest of the weekend I was busy cleaning and straighting things up around the house. I did manage to try a new recipe. I have always wanted to try making some homemade gumbo. My father-in-law probably makes some of the best gumbo I have ever tasted and since there wasn't much else to do I thought this would be a great weekend to try it myself. I kind of married to recipes together, one from Alton Brown and a Paula Deen. All in all it turned out pretty good. The roux is probably the most difficult part. I am not ready yet to share my recipe quite yet, as I need to perfect it a little more. But it did taste pretty good for a first try.
Maggie helping me cook
The finished product! (not sure whats up with the gray line across the bottom, sorry!)
Of course, then today (again thanks to T.S. Lee) the power went for almost four hours. I had this great mexican meal planned, but with no electricy that went out the door. So we opted to end the weekend with a nice dinner out! Tomorrow is back to the grind, but at least it is only a four day week! Yipppeee!!
Hope every one had a great holiday weekend!