I have got to be the world's worst blogger. I know there is not a lot of you out there that read my blog, but to the ones that do I am sorry for being so MIA. I actually have a good reason though - drumroll please - I finally got a job!!! It is crazy how I can go from not having anything to do to, to everything happening at once.
Since my last post I have acquired a job, went to Orlando for one of my dear friends baby shower (who a couple of days ago welcomed a sweet little boy to this world), traveled to Auburn, AL for a wedding, went to the beach to celebrate Easter with the family and my sister's birthday.
It has been non-stop and so, I thought I would take this time to also let everyone know how I am coping with living in SW GA. When we decided to make the move, I was excited for our new adventure, but I won't lie, I was pretty nervous too. The thought of moving to a new, small southern town where I knew only two other people, try to make new friends, and find a job - it was all little frightening. But through previous experience I knew that when one door closes a new one always opens up - I just didn't know how long it was going to take for that to happen. I don't know about y'all, but I find that has you get older it can sometimes be harder to make friends. But I am happy to report that everything is falling into place (knock on wood!), Mr. C loves his job, I like mine and we are meeting some wonderful people. Everyone has been so friendly, especially my friend Cristin, who has been tremendous in helping me get settled, I am truly getting a taste of that southern hospitality.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
Amanda! I love you so much and am sooo happy that you are here! You make SWGA a better place!!! XOXO!