Friday, January 21, 2011

Freebie Friday

If your like me and plan to cook more this year, you might like today's freebie. One of my dear friends introduced me last year to this great Web site called You've Got Supper.

You've Got SupperHere's how it works. Every Thursday they e-mail you 7 quick & easy recipes (5 entrees, 2 side dishes) for the upcoming week. You can also find tutorial videos and search for recipes on their site. Oh and did I mention that it is FREE to sign up.

One of my favs so far is the Thai Beef with Chiles. It is delicious!


  1. Thanks Amanda! The recipe looks great and I'm trying it tonight. Say hi to everyone there!

  2. Hey Stephanie, Hope you like the recipe. Oh and I love reading your blog. It is so much fun reading about all of ya'lls adventures!!
