Monday, January 17, 2011

Meet Maggie

It has been a few days since my last post, but things have been pretty busy around the household - just trying to get back in the daily routine of things. And, know our days are going to be getting even busier as Mr. C and I have a new addition to the family.  Meet Maggie, our little Rottweiler/German shepherd mix girl.

Mr. C and I have been playing around with the idea of getting another dog since our last dog, Roxy (the best dog ever and I dearly miss) passed away last August.  However, we didn't think we would become parents this weekend!  On Saturday, Mr. C and I decided to stop by the pet store and just see if they had any animals for adoption. Sure enough there was this little puppy just chillin'. She looked up at us with her puppy dogs eyes and "BAM!" we were puppy bitten. We decided however to wait until Sunday to go get her from the shelter - thought it might be good to sleep on it just to be sure we were ready for the ALL  responsibility again.

I forgot how cute it is to just watch puppies explore their new home. Maggie is adjusting well, but I am sure I will have many more stories to come as she gets bigger!

 Playing outside

Mags and Mommy at nap time.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda! I had no idea about Roxy. I am so sorry! She was such a sweet dog, especially to Figby. Maggie is adorable. She has some big shoes to fill, but it looks like she is already doing a great job as your companion!!
